Rheaply Release Notes

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June 28, 2024

What’s new: 

Let’s start with some updates to Circulate! Our engineers made some small quality-of-life improvements to Bulk Import and Bulk Create to make your experience even more seamless. Additionally, notifications will now arrive in real time (& with more context). No need to refresh the page or navigate away.

In Visibility, organizations now have the ability to search products via barcode, laying the foundation for even better tracking and management of assets.

June 11, 2024

What’s new: 

This update brings users Flexible Orders. This addition allows recipients to request a change to their order after submitting. You can request to add, remove, or change the quantity of items.

You can also now edit listings with None Available. Previously, because you were unable to edit these types of listings, you weren’t able to add more quantity when new items arrived, or change any relevant fields, instead having to duplicate the listings. Now it’s a bit easier to quickly reload listings that consistently pop up!

Finally, you can now edit across multiple pages in Bulk Import! Previously you could only edit one page at a time – but now you can select rows on one page, pan to the next, continue selecting, then apply your edits. This also now unlocks the ability to edit more than 120 listings at a time! Previously, because of our page switching limitation, you could only go one page at a time, which meant a maximum of 120 listings. Feeding two birds with one scone!

June 7, 2024

What’s new: 

Introducing Mobile Inventorying for Visibility! This feature is designed to streamline the process of adding and managing your inventory items directly from your mobile device while in the field.

Also, users of integrated orgs (Circulate + Visibility) now have a unified login experience. No more having to navigate back and forth between apps!

May 15, 2024

What’s new: 

Previously, the Orders view was all squished together on one line. We expanded this to give a seller more context and information about each order at-a-glance.


Additionally, “Buy Now” and “Claim Now” listings can be added to a Project. You can also now checkout these items directly from the Project.

May 14, 2024

What’s new: 

We now have Bulk AI Suggestions! Within the Selling>Listings view, you can now generate Suggestions for up to 120 posted listings at a time.

May 9, 2024

What’s new: 

Users of any Reuse Marketplace can now more easily find recent listings right on the home page. Get the jump on those surplus items!

April 30, 2024

What’s new: 

It is now more obvious when an order or offer is associated with a Project.

April 23, 2024

What’s new: 

A small but mighty tweak to the bulk upload process in Visibility. You can now upload images through a URL in your CSVs. Example shown below:

April 16, 2024

What’s new: 

AI Suggestions got a big makeover this week! Here are the main points of improvement you will see:

  • You can now use Suggestions on the listing category to improve speed and accuracy during the listing process and ensure items are easy to find.
  • Suggestions are now a bit more accurate, reducing the instances of irrelevant or incorrect suggestions in some areas.
  • We gave you more control over how Suggestions are applied. Review, modify, or deselect fields before they populate.

We suggest you try this feature out for yourself!

April 9, 2024

What’s new: 

Introducing the Counter!

Now you can quickly count items in the Bulk Create experience. This should help you scale for larger projects, which is the whole point of Bulk Create. This new feature allows users to swiftly add quantities right from the bulk create listings table. See it below:

Our engineers and quality testers also burned through a number of minor quality-of-life updates across all our products. Back to frying the big fish!

March 26, 2024

What’s new: 

This update has major improvements to search functionality! Users can now use the search bar to search by category or organization. Organizations with preferred networks or sharing groups will only see organizations within those sharing groups they are a part of.

March 19, 2024

What’s new: 

There are a few enhancements in this release. Here’s a quick review of what was accomplished:

  • Replacement cost is more prominent when creating a product or listing (filling this out helps create more accurate reports).
  • Visibility users can now quickly add items from their Saved Search and see them in a list view. Mobile users will like this one especially.
    Shopping just got much easier now that Profiles are searchable! You can now search an individual organization for an item or place a filter on all the listings from an organization.
  • It is now much easier to select and edit multiple listings in Bulk Create for mobile users. You can also now duplicate a listing and edit it to create a new one.

March 18, 2024

What’s new: 

We’ve added a new “Minimum quantity” filter! Let’s say you need 25 chairs to furnish your workspace, you can set your filter for chairs AND a minimum quantity of 25 to see if there are any matching chairs in that quantity.

We also fixed messaging on mobile devices so it works more like you would expect it to.

March 8, 2024

What’s new: 

We made a number of fun updates to improve the experience of listing managers, mobile inventorying, and Visibility. Let’s dive in:

  • When the listing manager needs to be changed, the conversation history about that listing will now seamlessly carry over to the new manager, providing context and continuity behind an exchange experience.
  • Listing managers can now be changed even when there is an active offer or order on the listing.
  • We are introducing a new list view for the Visibility inventory on mobile. This will enhance a user’s ability to navigate and manage their inventory on-the-go.
  • Replacement cost is now in Visibility to help better track the financial impact of reuse at your organization!

March 7, 2024

What’s new: 

We’ve introduced email and in-app notifications for Projects to help users collaborate better.

February 29, 2024

What’s new: 

Leap Day calls for a special release, which is why today we’re bringing forward some special enhancements.

Starting with improvements to Projects as requested by customers. You will now be able to do the following:

  • Mark a Project as Private
  • Choose who you’re collaborating with on a Project to Project basis
  • Easily find YOUR Projects among the full list of those visible to your organization


Next, we rolled out improvements to Sharing Groups, giving users more control over who has the power to share certain types of items and with whom. This is most important for those dealing with sensitive or hazardous materials and prevents unauthorized sharing.

February 27, 2024

What’s new: 

Two updates for our Visibility customers in this release:

  • Users now have an “Order ID” filter on the Saved Search page to help speed up fulfillment capabilities.
  • Users can now use Suggestions (our AI integration) to generate a category when creating a product using the Title and Manufacturer. This aims to help users create products quickly and more accurately.

February 21, 2024

What’s new: 

Our architects have been busy behind the scenes to introduce Integrated Organizations. Here’s a quick rundown of what that means:

  • Items can be shared from Visibility directly to a Preferred Network or even the broader Reuse Marketplace.
  • We removed many existing limitations behind our data models.
  • We made many features available that were previously hidden like – multiple listing managers, searching by tags, managing teams in the admin panel, showing QR codes, and showing reports in Circulate.

February 13, 2024

What’s new: 

We’ve made a number of quality enhancements in this release.

  • Email notifications are now more intelligently threaded together when they are sourced from the same conversation in your Messages.
  • Visibility customers will see the following digitization improvements:
    • Duplicate items quickly
    • Improved UX for item creation
    • Add items in bulk across status, location, and condition
    • QR label printing tracked on item activity logs
    • Product title included on QR label

February 8, 2024

What’s new: 

Lots of updates to share in this release!

  • We’ve swapped out the “Copy Link” button on the listing details page for a “Share” button that now allows everyone to share listings via X, Facebook, LinkedIn, or to simply copy the link. Get more eyes on those listings!
  • We made some minor UX improvements to Projects so you can collaborate with ease.
  • You can now attach a photo to a listing using a URL. You will no longer have to save images to your desktop and then hunt through folders and goofy filenames in order to find your product photo – you can simply grab the URL from an existing image on the web and use that to quickly attach a photo! This is available for both single listing creation, and multiple listing creation! You will also be able to add files to a message using a URL as well!

January 23, 2024

What’s new: 

It is now much easier to locate an organization’s Profile. Anywhere you see a user or organization’s name, you should now be able to tell it’s a hyperlink. This also applies to messaging.

Organization has also been added to the drop down navigation for admins.

January 16, 2024

What’s new: 

We made improvements to the way we display Categories on our Home and Browse All pages. Top- or sub-level categories will now only be shown if the category has active listings. This information will also be used to sort categories.

January 11, 2024

What’s new: 

This update brings Delivery Method into the listing creation and checkout workflow. Listing managers can now select between “Local pick-up,” “Shipping,” and “Shipping and local pick-up.” This selection will default to “Local pick-up.”

January 10, 2024

What’s new: 

Listing pages have been updated to include the category hierarchy. Selecting any of the categories will bring you to the browse-all page with that category selected as a filter.

December 20, 2023

What’s new: 

Organizations now have Profiles.

Admins have the ability to select Organization Type, upload a logo, and provide a description for visitors to understand what your organization does. Complete exchanges with trust.

December 9, 2023

What’s new: 

The following file types can now be attached to a message:
➟ .pdf
➟ .doc
➟ .docx
➟ .xls
➟ .xslx
➟ .csv
➟ .txt

December 6, 2023

What’s new: 

For all users using the Visibility inventory management software, you’ll notice new options for Conditions. Now when you search for items, you’ll have the option to filter by “New”, “Like new or open box”, and even “Unspecified“. These conditions are aligned with the options in our Circulate marketplace software.

You’ll notice that “Excellent” is no longer a Condition. Instead, users can indicate if an item is “New” or “Like new or open box”. This provides distinction between new and used items, while also providing a stronger description for used items of the highest quality.

While these changes are small, they are another example of ensuring consistency across the entire Rheaply platform.

November 9, 2023

What’s new: 

We’ve pushed sweeping enhancements to Rheaply’s search experience. From new filters to a massive overhaul of our list of Categories, we’re working hard to ensure you can quickly find exactly what you’re looking for. Follow along as our Product Manager, Alex T., shows these enhancements in action:

October 31, 2023

What’s new: 

We know it’s a team effort to bring any project across the finish line. Our newest feature, aptly named Projects, allows for on-platform collaboration to coordinate listings, offers, people, and timelines.

Whether browsing items to consider for an upcoming office refresh or claiming the chairs needed at next week’s seminar, you and your team can work simultaneously on multiple projects and contribute to a shared goal. With reuse built in from the jump, your high-impact project will have a low impact on the environment.

“Projects streamlines communication and planning processes, increasing efficiency in all areas. Rheaply is your team member with all the hat tricks leveling the cost, energy, and time that comes with projects of any scale.”

You may see our old navigation in this video. No worries though, Projects still looks and functions the same!

October 27, 2023

What’s new: 

Today we released a number of new features to enhance how users can collaborate on a listing and share ownership of an exchange.

Right away you’ll see that we renamed the “owner” field to “listing manager.”

You can add multiple listing managers to a single listing. Just use the dropdown to select which users to add.

All listing managers have the ability to manage offers and orders for the listing, and will see them in their Selling tab.

With multiple listing managers, Messages now support group chat! All listing managers can participate in the conversation to ensure the interested buyer has whatever information they need to support the transaction.

September 26, 2023

What’s new: 

PDF export for Visibility is here! Admins now have the ability to export the results of a filtered report to a PDF file. Now, when non-user stakeholders at your organization inquire about Rheaply’s inventory management tool, you can send them a PDF report that includes a title page with information about the filters applied, item count breakdowns by status and condition, an image of the product, and all of the product information stored in Visibility.

Take a look!

While not a groundbreaking feature update, we know this new capability will come in handy for organizations using Rheaply for their decommission. As often happens, decommissions are highly specific — all except one floor of a building could be part of a decommission. By filtering the Products report for the correct floors and the included categories of products, Rheaply users can export the precise list of everything that’s to be decommissioned and share the PDF directly with any partners supporting the effort. We look forward to watching this in action.

September 20, 2023

What’s new: 

You know that bar at the top of every website with the icons and words that when clicked take you to different sections of the site? Well, we just updated ours — and moved it to the side!

After accumulating feedback from clients and users, we’ve implemented a new structure to our platform navigation. Check out what’s new. ⤵️

Side nav:

  • You’ll immediately notice that the navigation is primarily on the left side. Now you can more easily toggle between the sections you interact with the most, like Cart and Messages.
  • Buying and Selling are directly accessed from the left side too.
  • Browse all takes you right into your marketplace so you can see everything that’s available to you.

Top right corner:

  • Your Profile and Notifications didn’t move, but from here you can access a range of options including Help Chat and your organization’s About page.


Learn more about why this new navigation was implemented in this post by Rheaply’s Senior UX Designer.

July 25, 2023

What’s new: 

When it comes to acquiring things from the internet, we know communication can facilitate a smoother exchange. Which is precisely why we’ve pushed a bunch of improvements to Messaging on Circulate. These new capabilities include:

  • Filtering messages by user, listing, or status
  • A better preview card for the Listing, Offer or Order associated with a conversation
  • Automated event notifications within your conversations
  • New automated default first message
  • Attaching the listing to a message when messaging the seller (even before you make an Offer)

By improving the communication experience between our users, we hope to support smoother (and faster!) resource exchange. Check it out, then try it out!

July 24, 2023

What’s new: 

We’ve got two updates for Visibility folks! 

The first is that users can now adjust the image size for products and items directly within the platform. On any page or view, you can change the image size to be small, medium, or large depending on your preference. It’s a simple enhancement but we’ve heard from users just how helpful this will be as they navigate Visibility. 

Secondly, we’ve made it possible to export a .csv for Saved searches. Filter by whatever you’re looking for and save that search. When exported, that list now includes all of the item level details like the asset tag, a link to the item itself, its status, condition and, most importantly, location. This capability allows you to quickly pull accurate data so you can know what you have and where it’s at.

July 10, 2023

What’s new: 

We’re making data easier to find and export on Visibility. Users can now filter their Inventory, Products report, or Saved searches by Condition and Location. We’ve also added more details to the Products Report when it’s downloaded as a .csv. These improvements will allow Rheaply to more easily integrate into our customers’ existing technology & business process ecosystems.

July 7, 2023

What’s new: 

We’re starting Q3 with a bang (anyone else still blasting Katy Perry’s “Firework”?) with two exciting product releases to share today. 

The first is an overhaul to the preview display for listings on Rheaply. Previously, previews only showed boilerplate language about Rheaply and didn’t include relevant information about the product itself. Here’s what it used to look like when a Rheaply listing was shared over Slack:

old link preview

But now, the preview features the image of the item as well as detailed information about it. It is our intention that this improvement will entice more folks to click and engage with your listings when you share them off Rheaply, to help facilitate resource exchange even faster. 

new link preview

We currently support enhanced sharing on the following platforms: LinkedIn, Twitter, Discord, Slack, iMessage. Please note that you will see different metadata depending on the platform to which the Rheaply listing URL is shared. For example, Slack will show the description in the preview, whereas LinkedIn will not. 

Our second release affects all Visibility users: Visibility now provides full in-app audit transparency on both Products and Items! The Activity Log tracks changes to item-level data giving Visibility users full transparency into who is updating Products and/or Items in their Inventory. This allows teams using Rheaply to see who has made changes to an Item’s status or condition, enhancing collaboration across buildings and offices.

June 12, 2023

What’s new: 

To all of our inventory management users patiently waiting, Suggestions powered by AI is now at your service! Just as it does for our Circulate users, Suggestions for Visibility makes it so easy to fill out product listings. Simply include the item’s title, manufacturer, and category and Rheaply’s AI butlers will fill in suggestions for description, weight, length, width, height, volume, materials, finishes, and fabrics. This added level of detail not only helps collaborators and team members better understand your organization’s listed items, but accounting for weight and market value leads to more accurate reporting so you can better measure the value they are getting from Rheaply.

June 9, 2023

What’s new: 

Check out the improved experience for supply-side Public Reuse Marketplace users! Organizations can now choose to have full access to Rheaply’s Public Reuse Marketplace (both buying and selling) or to keep it simple and list their available items to it. For organizations who only want to list their surplus items for Public Reuse, they can do so and their browsing experience will only feature the items available to them through internal reuse at their organization. This level of access control makes it possible for more organizations to enjoy the benefits of Public Reuse.

Public Reuse with Rheaply is a marketplace of current Rheaply clients and users who want to tap into a larger network for their asset exchange. Public Reuse is totally optional and is perfect for any organization seeking to increase the visibility of their available assets so they can be sold and moved even faster. If you’re interested in learning more, please contact your customer success manager.

Additionally, the homepage now includes a “New in your area” feed so that users can quickly see which items are available near them. We hope this encourages more exchange at the local level. Give it a go!

May 17, 2023

What’s new: 

Don’t mind us, just using AI magic to make your life easier. Introducing Suggestions ✨

Powered by AI, Suggestions helps Circulate users create listings faster by automatically populating an item’s description, weight, and market value solely based on the title. 

We heard from users (and have experienced ourselves) just how time consuming and tedious it is to fill out the item description details for marketplace listings. But after simply entering the title of your item, Suggestions will recommend all the relevant details which can be revised as desired. This new capability helps users get their supply onto Rheaply with speed. It also ensures that weight and market value are included for every listing so that users can have more accurate reporting on the value they are getting from Rheaply.

May 15, 2023

What’s new: 

Hot diggity, more updates to Visibility! We’ve made improvements that add predictability to the user experience and better performance. We’re returning search results more accurately with tags, applying filters/sort holistically, and updated the following: 

– Faster and more stable reindexing

– Added back the review check mark for product sets

– Fixed error in product codes

Check it out!

May 9, 2023

What’s new: 

A smattering of Circulate UI changes for your eyes to feast on including updated icons, new app loading screen, new offline fallback page, and page titles. We’ve also implemented some privacy enhancements and removed individual names, company names, and attachments from the public listings view. And the Circulate & Visibility integration continues on, ensuring engineering best practices and efficiencies.

May 4, 2023

What’s new: 

Our two products – Circulate & Visibility – had their first integration experience! It feels like our family dog just met our newborn baby for the first time ?. While the full integration is still underway, this connection makes it possible for items moved for reuse through Circulate to be updated accordingly in the users’ Visibility inventory management system. 

Now, supply and demand-side users within the same organization can see what’s happening with their items in real time, making circularity at their organization even more accessible.

April 24, 2023

What’s new: 

Updates to Visibility, influenced by feedback from our users. We heard three clear pieces of feedback that informed this release: 

1) the ability to perform bulk actions to all items of a product; 

2) removing case sensitivity from keyword searches in order to return greater results; 

and 3) deleting saved searches that are no longer needed. 

While these updates may sound small, they bring more trust and credibility to our inventory management platform.


April 12, 2023

What’s new: 

Rheaply’s Sr. Director of Product said it best, “We’ve released a potpourri of fixes and enhancements ???.” So let’s give ‘em a sniff!

Rheaply Circulate users can now upload HEIC photos! Gone are the days of frustrating photo file conversion that prevented iPhone users from quickly uploading photos of their items on the platform. Geolocation is now improved so users can trust the accuracy of filtering by location. Other enhancements include the ability to sort listings awaiting approval so that posters and admins can better manage the status of their listings. 

Smell ya next time!

April 7, 2023

What’s new: 

Major UX improvements to Rheaply’s inventory management platform, Visibility, to remove friction from everyday processes. Now, users can add more customization to their inventory view and distinguish between items and products when creating records. Accidentally delete a bunch of items at once? No sweat, friends. Deleted items can be restored, so our users can use Visibility with ease. These improvements help to ensure that Rheaply becomes an integral and natural part of how our users manage their inventory.

Read legacy product releases:

March 2023 Product Corner

February 2023 Product Corner

2022 Rheaply Reuse Recap

December 2022 Product Corner

November 2022 Product Corner

October 2022 Product Corner