2022 Rheaply Reuse Recap

At Rheaply, we’re on a mission to build a connected community with transformative technology where every workplace resource finds its next use. 

I am excited to share some of the key impacts and metrics we achieved with the help of our incredible customers, partners, and supporters in 2022. These numbers demonstrate why the transition to a circular economy is necessary to fight the ongoing climate crisis.

Every piece of furniture, fixtures, or equipment reused on the Rheaply platform adds up to tons of weight and embodied carbon diverted from landfills. Every item exchanged on Rheaply is monetary value recaptured for the people we do business with. Perhaps even more importantly, we aim to make the roles of facilities managers, sustainability professionals, and procurement experts easier. 

If you used Rheaply in 2022, you helped make everything we share in this post possible! 

Reuse metrics

As we begin 2023, we are excited to recap what was achieved over the past year. Our 14,500+ users as a whole were able to collectively achieve results. 

New users

  • 4,614 users
  • 10% YoY growth 


  • 314,526 items (21,405 listings) 
  • 4,913% YoY growth


  • 168,517 items (1,608 transactions)
  • 10,821% YoY growth

Value recaptured

  • $2,418,278
  • 1,129% YoY growth

Weight recaptured

  • 490,561 lbs
  • 1,599% YoY growth

Embodied carbon avoided

  • 154,147 lbs
  • 142% YoY growth

Customer success 

A core Rheaply value is to listen to and delight our users. I’d like to share a few success stories showcasing how we delighted Rheaply’s reuse champions in the past year: 

  • Meena Beyers, VP of Business and Community Development at Nicor Gas Company, shared Nicor’s vision to connect to their customers and add value by helping these businesses reach their sustainability goals.
  • Suzanne Savanick Hansen, Allina Health Sustainability Manager: “If we can avoid buying materials that are sitting in someone else’s closet, everyone and the environment wins.”
  • Eric Vincent, Senior Supply Business Analyst at Constellation Energy: “I didn’t have to do any invoicing. I didn’t have to do any of the track down for a check, right? All of the things that, besides moving product which Rheaply is going to be great at alone, is worth, its weight in gold, not having to track down payments and it’s all electronic. It’s fantastic.”
  • Katie Pittman, Rush University Medical Center Sustainability Coordinator, shared, “Rheaply definitely equipped us to inventory, catalog and move the furniture in a way that we otherwise absolutely could not have done. It made the project accessible instead of seeming like an insurmountable literal landfill.”

Product updates and feature releases

Rheaply users showed high satisfaction in 2022 and that was, in part, due to the key features and updates we made to the platform. If you used Rheaply in the past year, hopefully you noticed a few of these releases to help your organization reuse and exchange more effectively.


Our most robust changes can be found in managing exchanges and search. Not only can you find or share what you’re looking for anywhere on the web with preview listings, you can also filter by tags or set posts to be shared on a schedule with your preferred network. In addition, we’ve expanded how exchanges can be completed by handling orders with payment.

Creating a listing has been enhanced with category-based weight suggestions for common furniture categories and most recent categories. Our platform does some of the work for you by providing an estimate of the weight for chairs, desks, or cabinets, in addition to surfacing the categories you’ve posted with recently so you can keep on listing similar items with ease.

Managing a listing is made easier by allowing for auto-save of drafts. You can start a listing and pick it up again at any time. If you’re an admin, you can view and manage all draft listings in your organization.
We’ve further built upon functions of the network by incorporating the ability to switch between organizations. With one email, you’re able to access one or multiple organizations using Rheaply to expand your possibilities for reuse.

And, we added 3 new reports, reconfigured 4 existing reports, as well as provided the ability to download data of reports or listings in a .CSV file so that you can get a more accurate, complete picture of your data. The new reports measure embodied carbon and user engagement in order to quantify your ongoing impact of reuse.

Any interested organization can head to the self-serve sign up (also launched last year) and start the process of using Rheaply today!

Coming in 2023

We want to finally thank you for using the Rheaply platform, providing feedback on your experience, and helping save money and the planet in 2022. We’re constantly building on and improving Rheaply to optimize for your ease of use so that getting the most out of your resources can feel like second nature.  

Rheaply’s inventory management product, Visibility, will soon be available to customers. Visibility enables resource discoverability, management, and deployment down to the individual asset level. With a number of features tailored specifically to help your business identify value and avoid over-procurement, you and your employees across all campus and warehouse locations can answer the question, “what do we have, where, and is it available for reuse?” To begin using Visibility, talk to your Account Executive or Customer Success Manager to see if it’s a good fit.

We know that smart decision making to support your sustainability or financial goals requires quality data and useful reporting. This year our team will focus on how we can leverage our APIs to connect to your organization’s data systems and tools. We will also seek to invest in technologies that reduce the time it takes to create and populate information about your resources. 

Finally, we are aware of the complexities of reusing at scale. To refresh an office, or a floor, a lab, or a building, many resources are needed at the same time. Teams need to collaborate and create a plan, timeline, and budget. We hope to help you facilitate reuse at scale in our product this year and we want to involve you in that journey. If you are interested in sharing your ideas or product feedback, please reach out to our product team (product@rheaply.com). 

I’d like to put out a final call-to-action for any resource champions reading this Reuse Recap:

Join us as a guest on a Rheaply Podcast in 2023 to share your circularity journey.


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