Weight available
Weight available is the total weight of all items that were recorded on the platform by your organization, which indicates availability for reuse. Weight available is the cumulative sum of weight per unit of all listings created by your organization that were ever active. Weight data is input by users when creating a listing and should be considered an estimate. The weight per unit of a listing is part of sustainability metrics because it informs calculations for Weight diverted and Estimated embodied carbon avoided.
Who can view this?
Where is it done?
Reports are accessible via the left hand dashboard in the admin view. Once in the reports section, the Weight available report will be available.
The Weight available report tracks weight per unit data to reflect trends detailed below.
- Total weight of available items: The sum of all weight per unit data available for reuse, on the last day of the selected date range
- Average weight available per item: Calculation of the mean weight per unit value across all listings on the platform, current to the specified date range
- Active listings with weight data: Percentage of how many active listings across the platform include data for weight per unit on the last day of the selected date range
- Weight available over time: Total weight available for reuse represented over time, current to the specified date range
Note: if an item leaves your organization via an exchange to another organization, the weight data will no longer be reflected in this report. The weight will still be included in calculations for Weight diverted and Estimated embodied carbon avoided reports.
Weight diverted

Weight diverted is the estimated total weight of all items that have been exchanged with your organization. It is the cumulative sum of weight per unit of all exchanged listings. Weight data is input by users when creating a listing and should be considered an estimate.
Who can view this?
Where is it done?
Reports are accessible via the left hand dashboard in the admin view. Once in the reports section, the Weight diverted report will be available.
The Weight diverted report tracks weight per unit data of exchanges to reflect trends detailed below.
Total weight diverted: The sum of all weight per unit data for listings that have been exchanged, current to the specified date range
Weight diverted over time: Total weight exchanged with your organization, represented across time, current to the specified date range
Additionally, report data no longer includes deleted or drafted listings.
Estimated Embodied Carbon Avoided
Going forward, Estimated Embodied Carbon Avoided reports include external exchanges.
Public listings
When a listing is shared to the Rheaply Network, the seller can send the listing with anyone, allowing them to preview the Listing Details page without a Rheaply account. Clicking “Copy link” makes sharing listings with prospective buyers simple and straightforward.