‘Next Life’ Trend in FM: How to Manage and Monetize Idle Assets

August 21, 2024
YouTube video

‘Next Life’ Trend in Facilities Management: How to Manage and Monetize Idle Assets

Every facilities leader has at least one: A rented storage space full of workplace assets collecting dust. A floor or an entire building that needs to be decommissioned. A scattered collection of high-value furniture or equipment you no longer need but can’t throw away.

When these valued assets reach the end of their life at your facility, why should you choose their next life beyond your four walls? Doing so helps you cut procurement and storage costs, recover investment value, and impact your community.

Join Rheaply’s Daniel Kietzer and Austin Smith for this fast-paced, high-return webinar, where they dive in and discuss powerful trends in facilities management that are changing the story for unneeded workplace assets – and their company’s bottom lines.

By attending this webinar, you will:

  • A framework to plan for your assets’ next life from the moment of purchase

  • Why FMs are uniquely positioned to reclaim revenue at the “end” of your assets’ life

  • Sales and donation matchmaking success stories you can use to your advantage

  • Landfill avoidance strategies to employ for your next decommission

Meet the panelists

Austin Smith

Director of Revenue

Daniel Kietzer

Senior Director of Sustainability, Rheaply

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