Emergency Resource Exchange (ERx)

Rheaply’s Emergency Resource Exchange (ERx), in coordination with Northwestern University’s Buffett Institute for Global Affairs, exists to (1) enable medical professionals responding to the COVID-19 pandemic to request resources and (2) provide a place for organizations to post their supplies, materials and other equipment repurposed for COVID-19.

Rheaply’s ERx platform allows organizations to post PPE, resources, and other materials from suppliers, idle research labs, vets, dentists, and makes them available to medical professionals

Emergency resource shortages and inefficiencies stemming from coronavirus (COVID-19) in our state and around the nation continues stress our medical facilities and supply chains, making painfully obvious the need for a better way to find and disseminate valuable resources. ERx provides a more efficient way for PPE manufacturers and other organizations shifting to PPE production to connect with their community a

Rheaply ERx

ERx is an environment for hospitals, universities, manufacturers, and businesses to all meet so that supply and demand can be made transparent network wide. At Rheaply, we care deeply about our communities and we recognize that coordinated action in a moment like this can immediately change the outlook of our neighbors across the world. 

Resource connectivity is at the foundation of what we do — but it’s even more critical during a public health crisis.

 Our healthcare system will not survive when doctors and nurses are expected to store virus-containing N95 masks in plastic containers for weekly reuse or when trash bags are used as protective gowns.

To help bridge this gap between medical centers experiencing shortages and organizations able to provide immediate relief, Rheaply’s ERx was built to support essential workers in the following ways:

1. Medical facilities needing supplies can browse inventory, create requests, and receive notifications as respirators, face shields, ventilators, test kits, PCR machines, or other equipment becomes available.

2. Organizations providing supplies can review requests or create listings for donations and sale. Transportation and delivery details can also be arranged with the platform’s built-in messaging system.

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