SPLC Deep Dive Series
Rheaply is proud to be a sponsor of the Sustainable Purchasing Leadership Council’s (SPLC) upcoming virtual event on 9/21, Collaboration and Innovation for GHG Reduction.
SPLC events are driven by the organizations’ overall mission of building a sustainable world through the power of procurement. While many organizations speak about sustainable procurement as a nice-to-have, SPLC specifically empowers procurement to lead on sustainability. And these events help purchasers move from good intentions to strategic impact.
SPLC Deep Dive Speakers
- Renee Lertzman, PhD., Strategic Sustainability Consultant, Founder of Project Inside Out
- Tim Mohin, the Chief Sustainability Officer, Persefoni
- Garry Cooper, PhD., CEO, Rheaply;
- Dexter Galvin, Global Director, Corporates and Supply Chains, CDP;
- Natasha Schwarzbach, Director, Global Procurement Sustainability, PepsiCo,
- Betty Cremmins, Director for Sustainable Supply Chains, White House Council
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