Furniture Manufacturing Education Series: Unlocking revenue from a product’s first life

By 2030, Straits Research projects almost $60B in additional U.S. revenue from the second-hand furniture market. 

In our second education series for manufacturers, join Rheaply for a discussion on circularity in furniture manufacturing where we will examine ways to unlock additional revenue and reduce carbon emissions by reimagining sustainable office furniture lifecycles – with technology at the core. 

We’ll discuss ways to automate furniture lifecycle decisions, optimize for design and style, investment recovery, environmental impact, community impact, and logistics, saving your team precious planning time.  

In this session, we will explore how to: 

  • Utilize AI to quickly create a digital record of all furniture at “first life”
  • Build a full catalog of reusable furniture across internal or external teams 
  • Review critical furniture status and details, such as condition and design changes

Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable knowledge and be part of the sustainability revolution in office furniture design. 

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  • When: August 12, 2024
  • Type: Education Series
  • Access: Virtual