Hear from Rheaply at Climate Week NYC
CEO Garry Cooper to join panel discussion with FEMA and EPA on building national resilience
Rheaply CEO Garry Cooper will speak during The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) panel discussion “Climate Resilient Infrastructure: Building a More Sustainable Future.”
The event during Climate Week NYC, hosted by Climate Group, will include a diverse panel of experts comprising contractors, state acquisition/procurement professionals, and EPA’s Office of Land and Emergency Management (OLEM) for a dynamic discussion about streamlining debris operations and exchanges opportunities in secondary markets.
FEMA has reimbursed more than $10 billion on debris removal costs in disaster-impacted areas. This panel will highlight the coordination roles environmental and emergency managers have in disaster debris planning (before and after the disaster).
The speakers will discuss key preparedness activities focusing on the pre-acquisition of services for debris removal conducted by state, local and territorial governments, and Tribal Nations (SLTTs) before disasters, and the benefits of having in
place tools like Rheaply that can easily connect with local markets suitable for beneficial use and or next life. Recommended attendees include: Emergency managers, environmental managers, acquisition/procurement professionals,
general contractors, and circularity practitioners.
This event takes place 2:30-3:15 pm EST.
Confirmed speakers and panel participants to follow.