A letter from CEO Garry Cooper: Response to Dobbs v. Jackson ruling

I want to acknowledge that the country we lived in a few weeks ago changed dramatically for everyone at Rheaply, but most especially and immediately, for our women – and for all women. However one feels about the issues underlying the Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health Organization (“Dobbs”) case, I’m sure emotions are high, short-term consequences are unknown, and in many cases, some of us are asking, “Well, what’s next?”.

In my own reactions to the news, and talking to the women in my life, I’ve been emotionally asking, “what can I do—as a man, as an ally—to make an actionable and real difference going forward”?

So the very first thing I want to do is state something plainly, as a man and ally: I trust women. 

I trust women to be fabulous mothers, intellectual powerhouses, badass operators, empathetic leaders, standout students, incredible entrepreneurs and everything in between. I trust the women in my personal life, the women leading and building Rheaply; the women I call mentor and coach; the women I call friend. I trust them with my business; I trust them with my life.

I, most certainly, trust them with the decisions involving their own personal healthcare.

As it pertains to the workplace, here’s my thoughts:

Though our country has changed because of the ruling of the Supreme Court, Rheaply’s commitment to our people—whether at home or at work—has not. In fact, we are pursuing initiatives to further our commitment to equal access and voice for all of our people.

Our plan is to leverage every aspect of our influence—behind the scenes and in the limelight— to standup for women’s rights generally, but women’s access to comprehensive healthcare specifically.

At Rheaply:

We will use our financial resources to support women at Rheaply that elect for personal healthcare needs no longer available to them because of Dobbs within the States they currently reside. This could be a travel reimbursement, healthcare reimbursement, relocation reimbursement, and items in between.

I (the CEO) will write a note to the elected representatives in each state, where our team members reside and that have active bans or trigger laws limiting women’s right to comprehensive healthcare, advocating for equal access and agency to body autonomy, healthcare, and voice for women.

We will [continue to] offer resources for mental health for those teammates seeking additional care, and we will start a women-only slack channel and community at Rheaply, for those who want to share personal experiences with colleagues of similar affinity.

These issues are hard; they’re emotional; they’re politically charged, but they’re not going away, and it’s important for us leaders to find solutions for every person in our work spaces to feel safe, valued, and human.

– Garry Cooper

Garry Cooper Signature


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